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Our school motto, I Hope, I Believe, I Love promotes the personal aspirations of each student along with the teachings of our faith. Our values of Service, Community and Integrity shape the people we wish to be and are displayed around the school. They act as a constant reminder of our journey each and every day, to live like Jesus.
St Benedict’s School is characterised by its strong sense of community and tradition. The School Advisory Council, along with parents, work hard to support all our endeavours so that our students are provided with all they need to receive the best education possible. Our staff members are extremely dedicated professionals who provide a rich and diverse curriculum for all students. The staff work collaboratively with a commitment to cater for the individual needs of every child, helping them realise their potential, whilst discovering and developing their gifts and talents.
School Vision
Our children’s uniqueness is valued through respectful relationships and high expectations, grounded in St Benedict’s Christ centred environment. Students are immersed in contemporary pedagogy that develops creative and critical thinking skills through engaging and meaningful learning experiences.